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Appendix: Examples of some of the Orange Revolution case processes dynamics.
Note: * Approximate numbers; see the above case for details.
December 1999 — mid–September 2000Mid–September 2000 — December 2000December 2000 — March 2002March 2002 — October 2004October 2004 — 21 November 200422 November 2004 — 26 December 200427 December 2004 — 23 January 2005
1Internet penetration*Less than 1 percent1–2 percentJumped by about 50 percentGrowth from 3 to 6 percentRise from 6 to 8 percentRise from 8 to 12 percentAbout 11–12 percent
2Internet–based election monitoring systemAbsentAbsentAbsentUnder development: pilot testing during the first round electionFirst stage developed: active use during the second round electionSecond stage added: the full–blown system use during the third round electionThe system’s data are used for the solution of the post–election discussions
3Internet–facilitated dissenters’ movement structureRather loose connections between separate organizationsMaidan cyberprotest community’s fast developmentMaidan cyberprotest community’s steady developmentPora’s Internet–supported mirrored horizontal structures development, close cooperation with MaidanPoras and Maidan structures’ Internet–facilitated active preparation for the second roundActive Internet–supported participation in street protestsPartial transformation into political parties with an active Internet presence
4Online–based political dissent humor/satireAbsentAbsentAbsentIn development, especially rapid beginning July 2004Active use before the second roundActive use during the protestsSteady reduction after the third round
5Internet–based information warsWeakActiveWeakDeveloping from weak to activeVery activeVery activeWeak
6CyberwarsAbsentAbsentAbsentDeveloping to active phase by September 2004Active phaseSteadily decreasing manifestationsAbsent
7Authorities’ control over TVAlmost completeAlmost completeAlmost completeAlmost complete, except for Channel 5Almost complete, except for Channel 5Rapid loss of controlAlmost no control
8Authorities’ attitude towards the InternetNeglectfulNeglectfulNeglectfulWeak attempts to build some Internet presenceLate attempts to build some Internet presenceWeak and diminishing attempts to maintain some Internet presencePractically complete absence
9Internet–based anti–dissenters activity of foreign entities supporting authoritiesLowMediumMediumDeveloping from medium to highHighReducing from high to mediumMedium
10Overall dissenters’ use of the InternetDevelopingLocal peakSlowly developing furtherSteadily developing to high by SeptemberVery highVery highDecreasing to moderate
11Internet–based activity of foreign entities supporting dissentersMediumHighMediumMediumHighVery highHigh
12Internet–supported cell phone use by dissentersAbsentAbsentAbsentDeveloping to high by summer 2004Very highVery highDecreasing